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Rangoli is a traditional Indian art form that involves creating decorative patterns and designs on the ground, typically in front of homes, temples, or other auspicious locations. These designs are made using various colored powders, flower petals, rice grains, or other materials. Rangoli is a popular and vibrant form of folk art that holds cultural and religious significance in India.


The Settu Mundu is a traditional two-piece garment worn by women in Kerala. The green border of the Settu Mundu is intricately decorated with a rangoli pattern. The rangoli pattern in this outfit might feature floral motifs, geometric shapes, and other traditional designs. The use of green color in the rangoli pattern complements the green border, creating a harmonious and balanced look.


A matching blouse piece is provided with the Settu Mundu, ensuring a coordinated and complete ensemble.
The blouse piece features the same green color as the border of the mundu and is also adorned with the rangoli pattern, maintaining a cohesive and visually appealing appearance.

The combination of the off-white base, vibrant green border, and intricate rangoli design exudes elegance and charm.
This attire is perfect for festive occasions, weddings, and cultural celebrations, where traditional South Indian clothing is preferred.


Blouse and mund design pattern will vary according to the availability.

Rangoli Settu Mund - Green

SKU: SKU00000789
  • Cotton

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